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Christians Against Poverty Christmas Boxes 

Christmas Vegetation

CAP are going to be sending around 16 Christmas boxes with 9 of these being family boxes. They will also be sending 12 contacts, a card and a supermarket voucher.

If you would like to help CAP by contributing money or items, please see the list below.   Items can be dropped at the Central Methodist Chapel Office labelled for CAP (Ideally by Sunday11th December 2022).

Supermarket Vouchers in denominations of £5;
2023 calendars
Warm socks for adults and children
Toiletry gift packs
Batteries: double A and Triple A
Sweets for children, nicely bagged
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Puzzle books for adults and children
Colouring books for adults and children
Pencils and colouring pens etc
Christian testimony / Biography (Nothing too heavy or complicated)
A  pretty throw for keeping warm
Hot water bottle

Alison Jones
Centre Manager - Lizard Helston and Mounts Bay
Christians Against Poverty
I work every Monday and Tuesday (9-5pm) 

CAP Logo

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning.

Where and When

We meet in the Culdrose Community Centre (details here) for our Sunday Service which starts at 10:30am. For your first visit, please note the venue has its own car park. When you arrive, you should be greeted in the hall way by someone from our Welcome Team.  

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access. There are accesible toilets in the main foyer.

Our Service

Refreshments are served from 10.15am.  The service begins at 10.30am with a warm welcome from the person leading.  For around 20 minutes there is sung worship, led prayer and Bible readings.  News and notices, usually about what’s going on in the life of the church, are shared. We usually have a children's song, before the younger ones go to Sunday School while in the main service we have the sermon. This is bible-based and is applied to our everyday life. We then finish with a final worship song.

After the main meeting finishes refreshments are served again.  If you would like someone to pray with you, please ask one of our leaders.

images: Services

We have the following lined up for children:
  • Sunday School: Is for children from 3 years old to those in year 6 (There is a baby corner provided for children under 3 years old.)
    Young people: (Year 7 upwards) At the present time, they stay in the service.  There are packs available with activity sheets and puzzles, which they are welcome to use.

Children stay with their parent or grown-up until Sunday School, as we really value worshipping God all together as a family.    You will need to go with your children to their groups and register them as part of our child safety policy.

The Sunday School varies from week-to-week but usually includes bible stories, testimonies, praying, music, craft, drama, fun games and free play. Please pick your children up as soon as the service finishes.

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Getting Connected

Home Groups and Bible Study/Prayer Meeting


While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Getting involved on a Tuesday night allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have several Home Groups that meet on a Tuesday night every fortnight.  On the alternate Tuesdays we all meet together for our Bible Study/Prayer Meeting.  Check out Home Groups and Bible Study and we can put you in touch with a Home Group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group.

Other Ministries

We also run the following ministries:

We have connections with the following local Ministries
  • Foodbank and Mustard Seed
  • Christians against Poverty
Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.


AlanWebsite   BrianWebsite
Alan Burns   Brian Watters
Alan has been Pastor/Elder of our Church since 2008.  He has a heart for the Pastoral Care of people and the preaching and teaching of God's word in the Sunday Services and midweek studies.   Brian is an Elder who regularly preaches on a Sunday and gives valuable support to the overall minstry of our Church.
Steve Jones    
Steve is an Elder and also has a ministry in helping people in the local community via Community meals.  He and his wife Alison, lead the "Count Everyone In" ministry in our Church.    
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.